Labotal News


Why Hydrogen Peroxide Vapour (HPV) Decontamination?

Why Hydrogen Peroxide Vapour (HPV) Decontamination?

  • HPV decontamination provides 6-log reduction biological burden, safely and without residues or damage to equipment and surfaces.
  • Unlike substances such as formaldehyde, which is forbidden for use in many countries worldwide, HPV is not toxic, decomposes in contact with biological matter into water and oxygen, and thus is environment friendly. There’s no need to neutralize or wipe off residues when the cycle ends.
  • Upon contact with biological matter, free radicals are released which damage the contaminant’s structure, making HPV effective against a wide range of biological contaminants.
  • HPV is not gaseous, and so are not easily dispersed beyond the decontaminated space. This enables safe use for the operator and nearby workers. Decontamination of a specific space is possible without shutting down adjacent spaces.
  • HPV decontamination is carried out in room temperature, making it possible to leave equipment in the room running, and decontaminated as well.

How does it Work?

  • A Bioquell (UK) HPV generator uses a 30-35% concentration solution of hydrogen peroxide and vaporizes it into the treated space.
  • The hydrogen peroxide level rises up to the dew point – when the relative humidity reaches 100%. At this point a micro-condensation occurs on the surfaces of the space which cannot contain further humidity. This condensation ensures homogenous distribution of hydrogen peroxide on the surfaces and a 6-log reduction of the biological burden.
  • Throughout the process, a built-in probe monitors the levels of humidity and HPV concentration and ensures the dew point is reached but not surpassed.
  • After reaching the dew point and waiting a short while to ensure quality decontamination, the air is passed through a built-in carbon filter which breaks the HPV down to water vapour and oxygen.
  • Process validation is conducted by placing bio-indicators (Standard 6-Log Geobacillus Stearothermophilus( in the room beforehand, and growing them after the decontamination process. Dead bio-indicators confirm the success of the process.

How Can We Help?

As a representative of Bioquell, Labotal Scientific Equipment LTD offers several products and services:

  • Room bio-decontamination service, including validation documentation upon process conclusion – for cold rooms, clean rooms, vivariums, bio-safety cabinets etc.
  • Room bio-decontamination generators
  • Large chambers bio-decontamination generators
  • Small chambers bio-decontamination generators
  • Stationary fitted bio-decontamination system
  • Transfer chambers for isolators
  • Transfer chambers between rooms

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